Temporary storage facility (TSF) operators


 G3- Presentation Notification (Temporary Storage)

G4 - Temporary Storage Declaration

G3+G4 Temporary Storage and Presentation Notification Combined


Full Web application according to the volumes processed

Entry of goods into the customs territory of the European Union is a 5-step process, consisting of:

  1.  Lodgement of an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) into ICS (Import Control System);
  2. Notification of the arrival of the means of transport (Revenue receive this information from the Dublin Airport Authority and Safe Seas Ireland);
  3. Presentation of goods (Presentation Notification into AIS);
  4. Temporary storage of goods (Temporary Storage Declaration into AIS);
  5. Placing the goods under a customs procedure (Customs Import Declaration into AIS). A customs declaration can be lodged prior to the presentation of the goods

Temporary storage facility (TSF) operators

If you are an authorised TSF operator, declarations will be required for non-European Union goods entering and leaving your premises. The following declarations must be submitted electronically using AIS:

  • Presentation Notification (PN/G3)
  • Temporary Storage Declaration (TSD/G4)
  • customs import declaration.


The G3 and G4 can be lodged as a combined declaration into AIS.